Sunday, August 30, 2015

Serie A: Roma vs. Juventus - 30th August 2015 - English - HTTP

Serie A: Roma vs. Juventus [7500 kbps], 8-30-2015, courtesy of Setanta Sports Eurasia. Links below:

***** Setanta Sports Eurasia has Dual Commentary during the broadcast, Russian & English. In VLC Media Player, go to the "Audio" section and select "Track 2" for English.

1st Half:

2nd Half:

Enjoy Everyone!!!

Wigan :mrgreen:

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully it is not too late to request. Hopefully you are in the process of it. My apologies for the last minute request. Is it possible for you to upload Sevilla/Atleti today?

    Thank you for all that you do!

